Thirty Things Book Blast



Book Name: Thirty Things

Release Date: April 3, 2015

Author Name: Cate Ashwood

Author Bio:

Cate Ashwood wrote her very first story in a hot-pink binder when she was in the second grade and found her passion for writing. Her first successful foray into romance writing came five years later when she wrote her best friend, who was experiencing a case of unrequited love, her own happily ever after.

Cate’s life has taken a number of different and adventurous roads. She now lives a stone’s throw from the ocean, just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia with her husband, her brand new little boy, and her two cats. Her life is filled with family and friends, travel, and, of course, books.

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Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: A.J. Corza



Finn and Nate have been best friends their whole lives. When a childhood accident left Finn broken, Nate stood by as all his other friends left. Now approaching Finn’s thirtieth birthday, there is one secret Finn still hasn’t revealed—he has been in love with Nate since they were eight years old. Hiding his feelings for twenty-one years, terrified of what might happen if Nate ever found out has been difficult, but losing his friend would be worse than living forever with a bad case of unrequited love.

There are some things that just have to be done before your thirtieth birthday. As a gift to Finn, Nate plans a road trip across America to check off a list of thirty things to experience before hitting that milestone. Starting in Crawfordsville, Indiana, they tour the country, trying new things and meeting interesting new people. Nate’s having the time of his life, but Finn is holding something back. As the days count down, navigating the back roads suddenly seems easier than figuring out where their relationship is heading.

One thing’s for certain. There will be no turning back.



Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



I opened the box, and inside I found one of those road maps you can buy for ninety-nine cents at a gas station and a pile of envelopes tied together with butcher’s twine.

Nate reached across the arm of the couch and lifted the map, unfolding it so I could see. He had marked out a handful of destinations on the map that amounted to what was a grand circle tour of about half the states.

“We leave in three days,” he proclaimed, obviously proud of himself.

“We’re going on a road trip?”

“You bet. You’re always talking about how there are things you want to see and do, and we’ve never done any of them. So now we have a list of thirty things to do before you turn thirty. Each one of those envelopes has a different task inside. It’ll be fun. Besides, we haven’t gotten to hang out much lately, and I thought this would be good… just you and me road tripping across America.”

“So what you’re saying is you miss me.”

“What I’m saying is, you’re going to be thirty, so I figured we should have one last grand adventure before you’re too old and decrepit to actually enjoy the trip.”

“You’re an asshole,” I said, although by asshole I meant the best friend in the world a guy could have.

He got my meaning.

“Love you too, Finn.” My heart jumped at those words, though I knew he didn’t mean them the way I wished he would. Still, I would take what I could get.

Pages or Words: 70,000 words

Tour Dates: March 10, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, BFD Book Blog, My Fiction Nook, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, 3 Chicks After Dark, Andrew Q. Gordon, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Kimber Vale, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, The Hat Party, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Velvet Panic, Love Bytes, Carly’s Book Reviews


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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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