Tom Goss – Son of a Preacher Man

Recently I read a story where a gay man asked why someone coming out was news. It shouldn’t be, he said. It’s no different than being straight, so why should someone need to come out, was his argument.

Then I read about young gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teens who killed themselves, and I had my answer.

As Will Parkinson I wrote young adult novels because kids need to know they’re not alone. They need to understand that there are other people in the world who share the same feelings they do. I’ve heard the horror stories about kids being abandoned on the roadside like a pet no one wants. How they wished they were dead. And still, some people think coming out shouldn’t be newsworthy.

Today I found this video by Tom Goss. It’s the old Dusty Springfield tune, but given a gay twist as the son of a preacher man is in love with another young man. This song tore out my heart (make sure you watch it until the last minute, because there is a HEA there for you). One scene shows the potential aftermath of the bigotry and hate they’re subjected to. Fortunately it doesn’t end badly here. But it does so many other times.

So give the video a watch. At the end there are numbers for some programs that support and educate people. If you’re able, donate a few bucks. And thank you.

by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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