Untamed Book Blast


Author Name: Madeline Dyer


Book Name: Untamed

Series: The Untamed Series

Number: One


Release Date: May 20, 2015



As one of the last Untamed humans left in the world, Seven’s life has always been controlled by tight rules. Stay away from the Enhanced. Don’t question your leader. And, most importantly, never switch sides—because once you’re Enhanced there’s no going back. Even if you have become the perfect human being.


But after a disastrous raid on an Enhanced city, Seven soon finds herself in her enemy’s power. Realizing it’s only a matter of time before she too develops a taste for the chemical augmenters responsible for the erosion of humanity, Seven knows she must act quickly if she’s to escape and save her family from the same fate.


Yet, as one of the most powerful Seers that the Untamed and Enhanced have ever known, Seven quickly discovers that she alone holds the key to the survival of only one race. But things aren’t clear-cut anymore, and with Seven now questioning the very beliefs she was raised on, she knows she has an important choice to make. One that has two very different outcomes.


Seven must choose wisely whose side she joins, for the War of Humanity is underway, and Death never takes kindly to traitors.



Pages or Words: 95,870 words


Categories: Alternate universe, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Thriller, Young Adult, Dystopia



The cloth is heavy over my face. Some light filters through it. I can see the flashing green and red lights of the box high up on the ceiling. It’s some sort of power-base, I’m sure. Before they brought the cloth, I saw lots of metal components and wires hanging from it, stretching to the corners of the room. My brother, Three, would love to examine it.

The cloth over my face gets tighter. It presses against my nose, trying to force it down. I can feel their hands all over my body, pushing me onto the platform with cold fingers. I know better now than to resist. But they don’t believe me. They aren’t taking chances, they say.

“Join us willingly.” It’s the same man. Always the same man who speaks. Raleigh. The one who called me a fighter. The one who promised he’d break me.

Katya’s a lost cause. She went willingly.

“No,” I gasp. My word tangles in the cloth. I blink and my lashes drag against the material.

“Very well.” He’s smiling. I know he is. His voice is always lighter and amused-sounding when he’s smiling. “Very well, indeed.”

The water slams against me.



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About the author:

Madeline Dyer is a fantasy and science fiction writer, whose fiction has been published by several small presses. Having always had a love for mythology and fantasy, it seemed only natural that Madeline would write speculative fiction due to the endless possibilities and freedom this genre offers. A number of her short stories appear in print and eBook anthologies, as well as online. Untamed is her debut novel.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/MadelineDyerAuthor

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MadelineDyerUK

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MadelineDyerUK/

Blog: http://www.madelinedyer.co.uk/


Goodreads Link: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7244204.Madeline_Dyer

Publisher: Prizm Books

Cover Artist: Brandon Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: May 28, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Divine Magazine, Emotion in Motion, Iyana Jenna, Up All Night, Read All Day, Charley Descoteaux, Happily Ever Chapter, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Hearts on Fire
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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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