
The Return: Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen


You know Corey was baiting you.

Of course I knew. And I didn’t give a good goddamn. I had a chance to fuck my mate again, and I was damn well going to take it.

“Strip,” I ordered.

Corey scrambled to comply, obviously not caring that he was making a mess. I stood and watched, loving the flush that crept up Corey’s body. Once everything was off, I pointed to the bed.

“Hands and knees.”

“Jonas, I—”

I laid a heavy smack on Corey’s ass, delighting in the yelp that escaped his lips.

“Hands and knees.”


Corey climbed onto the king-size bed, his face buried in the comforter. I was about to try something I’d only heard about in school, but couldn’t wait. I moved closer and slid a hand over Corey’s cheeks. They were so warm. The red handprint where I’d spanked made me worry. We’d never talked about sex, and I had no idea if—

“Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to put your dick in me at some point?” He grinned and gave me a wink. “Oh, and that smack? We are so going to be doing that again.”

He liked toys. He liked a little slap and tickle. Yeah, Fate made the perfect mate for me.

I grabbed a globe in each hand and spread Corey’s cheeks. There it was. That pink pucker that drove me wild. Along with everything else about his man.

“What are you doing?”

Corey’s voice went up an octave as I dove in and speared that hole with my tongue. I flattened his tongue and laved up the crease, Corey whimpering his need. This was what I loved most. The chance to make Corey come apart under my touch. Those years without him had been agony. Not being able to put a hand on Corey gutted me every day.

“Jonas. Oh, God. Jonas.”

The pleading tone enflamed me. I had years to make up to Corey, and I looked forward to every day for the rest of their lives.

“Please, Jonas. Please.”

“Please what, Core?” I stroked a hand over his hip. “Tell me what you want.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. I need you, but I don’t know what it is I want.”

Jonas chuckled. “Oh, I think you know exactly what you need, but you’re afraid to say it.”

He shook his head, then covered his face with the pillow. I sure wasn’t having that. I gripped his neck and pulled him up firmly, but gently.

“You can’t hide from me, Core. Never could. I see you, no matter what you do. Now, why don’t you save us both some time, and tell me what it is you want here?”

He coughed. “I saw this video once….” His cheeks flamed red. “The one guy was riding the other. Do you think that’s something you might want to—”

Before he could finish, I rolled over, gripping my hard cock and waggling my brows at him.

“This is a broncing buck, not a pony. Be sure you can handle it.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ve played with toys bigger than you.”

I widened my eyes. “Oh?”

He cackled. “No, just wanted to give you some crap.” He reached out and gripped my cock. “This is by far the biggest toy I’ve had.”

“Then get playing.”

“In time.” He leaned down and kissed the head of my cock. “See, you had your way, now it’s my turn. While I’m more than happy to do what I’m told out there, in our bedroom—or wherever we decide to get busy—I’m going to have wants and needs.” He licked a strip from my balls to the tip of my cock. “And right now, I want to suck this bad boy.”

Oh, hell yes. I’d dreamed of blow jobs. Well, Corey’s lips wrapped around my dick. Watching as he bobbed up and down on me, never taking his eyes off my face, was one of the hottest fantasies I’d had.

“Go for it,” I croaked.

He snickered. “Big, bad Alpha brought down by an itty-bitty tongue?” He swirled it around the head, then dipped it into the slit. “What would the others say if they could see this?”

I put my hands on his head and pulled him down, being careful not to choke him. “They’d say, ‘what a fucking lucky bastard our Alpha is’.”

For a few minutes the only sounds in the room were my moans and Corey’s slurps. It was heaven, at least as far as I was concerned. When he reached up and cupped my balls, tugging them gently, I gasped.

“You learned a lot from porn.”

He pulled off with a pop. “I wish I had learned to deepthroat. I’d love to take all of this.”

I grabbed my dick and waggled it at him. “Well, if you need practice, I’m always available for you to hone your skills on.”

He grinned, then opened wide, and got to business. When he slid off again, I wanted to protest, but then he reached for the nightstand drawer, and I knew what was coming. Corey pulled out the familiar yellow and white jar of his favorite lube. He took the top off, then dipped a finger into the container. As I watched, he reached behind himself and slid that damned digit up his ass with a sinful moan.

I reached down and stroked my cock, watching him add another finger. It was sensuous, beyond dirty, and hotter than any porn I’d ever seen—not that there was much, mind you. The pure and wanton look on his face, combined with the squishing sound as he made sure he was lubed, sent my libido into overdrive.

When I sat up, Corey put a hand on my chest and pushed me down once more.

“My show, my rules. Lay there and shut up. The only thing I want to hear from you are grunts, groans, moans, and you begging me for more. We good?” he asked, then went back to fingering himself.

I loved the facets of Corey. He could do demure when we were in a group, he could be a pissy bastard when he wanted something, and he could be a demanding bottom, wanting nothing more than to be filled.

“We so very good,” I groaned, watching as he added a third finger. The show got hotter when Corey started bouncing up and down on the invaders. He threw his head back, his mouth open, and a whine escaped as he speared himself over and over, while he stroked himself with his other hand.

“Don’t you dare cum,” I snapped. “I wanna be inside you when you do.”

“Can’t help it,” Corey panted. “It feels so good.”

“Think of how much better my cock will feel,” I told him, hopeful he’d actually let me in at some point. “Besides, you’re being loud. You know Matt and Kinsey can probably hear everything going on in here.”

“Enjoy the show, guys!” Corey shouted.

I couldn’t believe he’d done that. The bastard seriously intended on finishing himself off, and leaving me out of it? Not happening! I grabbed his arms and jerked him forward, pulling his fingers from his ass, then wrestled him onto his back and hefted his legs up over my shoulders. When I gazed into his eyes, he was smirking at me.

“About time you got with the program. Fingers are nice and all, but that bad boy you’re holding in your hand? Mhm.”

“Teasing little bastard,” I grumped, but pushed in closer. “I thought you were going to ride me, and then you don’t.”

“Lay on your back,” he said, his voice husky.

“No. You’ll start teasing me again,” I said, trying to sound petulant.

“You’re never going to win an Oscar,” he said, grinning. “On your back.”

Honestly, I didn’t care how we did it, I wouldn’t even care if we had sex. When I was at work, I couldn’t stop thinking about Corey. Holding him, kissing him, being inside of him. He consumed my every thought. My dad told me that it would wane the longer we were together, that sex wouldn’t be as important. Maybe that was true, and if it was, fine. But I wanted Corey with what probably bordered on a near psychotic desperation.

I blamed my wolf, of course.

I lay back once more, waiting for Corey to tease some more, but he took his already glossy hand, and wrapped it around my shaft, pulling a groan out of me.

“You know, I often fantasized about your cock,” he said, smearing more of the lotion.

“Oh?” I managed to get out, working hard to suppress the shudders that coursed through me.

“Mhm. I wondered if it was big, small, skinny, fat. Also if it was cut, or uncut.

“No wolf I know of has an cut one. We heal most wounds eventually, so circumcision wouldn’t be possible.”

“Hot,” Corey murmured, climbing on top of me, keeping a grip on my aching rod. “Let me tell you, the reality is way better than the fantasy. It’s long and thick, but not too much of either.”

“Because F-F-Fate made us for each other.”

“Hm. I’ll have to send Fate a ‘thank you’ card.”

He slid my cock into the crease of his ass, until finally he notched it against his pucker, then started to take me into his body. He’d stop every inch or so, and take a few deep breaths before continuing. Once he lowered his weight onto my legs, I knew I’d come home.

He raised up a bit, then slowly lowered himself until I’d been engulfed in that sultry heat once more.

“Fuck, that’s amazing,” I said, watching him lose himself in the rapture.

“Oh, yeah,” he gasped, picking up speed. I tightened the muscles in my legs, because my orgasm was imminent. Corey’s lusty expression, the want and need, all of that called to me on every level. I wanted to spend hours making love to this man, and was embarrassed I wouldn’t last but a few more minutes.

“Core,” I managed to get out. “Going to cum soon.”

I reached for his cock, and stroked it. So damn hot in my hand.

“Harder,” he pleaded. “Please, Jonas. I need it harder.”

He batted my hand aside, then grabbed his own dick. I missed the feeling of him in my hand immediately. Still, he wanted something, and it was my job to give it to him. I braced myself, flattening my palms on the bed, and when he started his descent, I thrust up, slamming into him hard.

“Fuck, yes,” he spat. “More!”

We fell into a rhythm, him dropping onto my cock as I drove deeper. With each thrust, he grunted, whined, and then demanded ‘harder’. The room was filled with our moans, the sound of skin slapping skin, and needy pleas.

The next thing I knew, my stomach, chest, and face were being painted with his hot spend as he clenched his ass, locking me into him almost painfully. I’d been on the precipice before, but that hot, tight channel dragged the orgasm from me, wringing it from my very depths. Corey collapsed on top of me, my dick still inside him as I rode out the remnants of the mind-blowing sex we’d had.

Then I heard it. Panting, growling, and whimpering from Matt, as he begged Kinsey to fuck him. I crushed Corey to my chest, and whispered in his ear.

“I think we gave them ideas.”

Just then, Matt howled, and Corey chuckled softly.

“I should get up,” he said. “I need to clean up, and make sure I placed my order this morning.”

But I didn’t want him to go, so I held on.

“Jonas, you gotta let me up. I need to get down to the shop and finish my order.”

His voice was filled with post-sex sleep. I knew if I didn’t let him go, he’d be out like a light in minutes, so I did what any good mate would. I held on.

And moments later, with whispered protests, Corey fell asleep in my arms.


The first thing I heard when I tried to get up was a pained cry from Jonas. I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep on him, but now he seemed torn between pushing me away or pulling me close.

“What’s wrong?”

“We’re stuck together,” he moaned. “When you moved, you were pulling the hair off me.”

Then I noticed my stomach had his hair on it, matted in the cum from last night. The memories came back, and my ass twinged, but at the same time I wanted him again.

“Jonas, I—”

The ringing phone cut me off. Jonas winced when I got up to get it, then his started to ring.

“Fuck. Well, won’t have to worry about shaving it,” he muttered.

We answered at the same time. Mine was Doug, and what he said made my blood run cold.

“Corey? Oh, Corey, it’s awful.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Are you hurt?”

“No, not me, but…. Corey, the coffeeshop is on fire. DD was inside.”

I sat back on the bed, his words echoing in my head. At the same time, Jonas was barking orders, but his words were nearly indistinct. “… sure everyone is out. Clear the area around the building, and keep the pack away so the firefighters…… I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

He threw his phone onto the nightstand, then grabbed his clothes and hurried into the bathroom. “Core, we have to go.”

I sat there staring at my phone. Doug’s voice seemed to come from far away as he called my name. My shop was on fire. DD had been inside. I couldn’t process it, and I think my brain shut down. When Jonas came out, he put his hands on my shoulders.

“We need to move,” he said, shaking me. “Kinsey!”

A few moments later, the bedroom door opened. “What’s wrong?”

I’m sure Jonas was explaining it to him. I still sat there, staring at my phone. Years of my life, up in smoke, and my friend hurt in the fire. I couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that burst from me. Up in smoke. That was funny. Arms surrounded me, and that brought me out of my stupor. Jonas was there, pulling me to him.

“I’m sorry, baby. I wish we had time to grieve, but we need to get down there.”

I jerked away from him. “For what?” I screamed. “To watch my life as it crashes to the ground?”

“No! Look, I know this is devastating, and I’m sorry, but you’re the Alpha Mate. You need to put aside your problems and focus on the pack right now.”

“Fuck the pack!”

Jonas’s eyes went wide. “You don’t mean that.”

“The hell I don’t. That place was my life. It held me together when you were gone. It gave me purpose. Now that’s all nothing but ash.”

“And what about your pack mates?” Jonas snarled. “What about DD, who got burned trying to put out the fire by herself? Fuck her too?”

That brought me up short. I was so lost in my problems, I forgot she’d been there. “Is she okay? Doug didn’t know for sure.”

“She breathed in a lot of smoke, and she has first and second degree burns on sixty percent of her body.”

“But she’ll be okay, right? She can heal. That’s what you said.” I needed Jonas to tell me something—anything—good, because right now I was at the end of my very short rope.

“Wolves are tougher than humans. We heal faster, which will help, but she’s still going to be in a lot of pain”

Here I was, worrying about a building, when my friend—my pack—was hurting too, because she’d tried to save something of brick and mortar. Something that could be rebuilt. If she’d died, there was no coming back from that.

“I’m sorry,” I rasped out. “Let me get dressed.”

“Kinsey is getting Matt ready, and he’ll bring the car to the front. I truly am sorry about the shop, Core.”

“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I put my feelings and what was hurting me ahead of actual human lives. I was being selfish.”

“You have every right,” Jonas said, squeezing my shoulder. “But we need to focus on the welfare of our people first and foremost. We’ll worry about rebuilding later.”

A knock at the door, and it opened slowly. “Car is ready,” Kinsey said.

Jonas took my hand and led me outside, where Matt sat biting his nails. Kinsey opened the door, and Jonas helped me in, then closed it behind me.

“Corey, I’m sorry,” Matt said softly.

“Me too,” I said. “But more, I’m sorry for not thinking about my people before my building.”

He nodded. “I understand.”

I wished he would explain it to me. Kinsey got in front with Matt, before he reached over and put a hand on Matt’s knee. Jonas slid in beside me, and immediately wrapped me in his arms. Even the touch of my mate couldn’t chase away the cold that had seeped into my heart, though.

I wondered if anything could.

Tom and Aiden: Thinking of Eternity

Tom and Aiden: Thinking of Eternity

This is a short featuring Tom and Aiden from ‘Stained Hearts’.

When I got into the house, the smell of lasagna perfumed the air. My stomach growled, because I loved it when Aiden got creative in the kitchen. I was always the lucky one who benefitted from his ingenuity. I peeked around the corner, but he wasn’t where I figured he’d be.

“Aiden?” I called out.

Silence was my only answer, and that made me nervous. My husband liked to push himself, sometimes way harder than he should, in my opinion. There was a time I would have insisted he stop, but our therapist reminded me, more often than I’d like to admit, that just because a person is disabled, that didn’t make them weak, and they had to be able to make their own choices. I tried to get better, really, but seeing him in pain was always so difficult.


His voice was weak, thready, and my heart slammed into my chest. I hadn’t heard that level of pain from him in months. I hurried to the bedroom and grabbed his pill bottle, then stopped and filled a glass of water. Entering the living room, I found him, head thrown back, arm over his eyes. His lips quivered, and the lower one jutted out slightly.


He nodded, and I could see the shine in his eyes. “This sucks. Olivia and Blake are coming for dinner, and I still haven’t done the salad.”

I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. “I’ll take care of that. How many pills do you need?”

“Two, please,” he whispered.

He hadn’t needed two since before we got together. “Want to go to the hospital?”

He shook his head. “Just have to rest a few minutes, then I’ll get up and—”

I stroked a hand over his hair. “Aiden, baby. Close your eyes, okay. Let me handle the rest of the dinner.”

He snorted. “I’ve had your cooking. Better if I do it.”

That was my sweetheart. When he was in pain, he tried to mask it with humor. I sat beside him on the couch, and put a hand on his knee. “Okay, how bad is it, and be honest.”

“I… I fell,” he admitted. “I turned too fast, and my legs gave out. Down I went. Fortunately, I wasn’t holding anything at the time.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask why he hadn’t called me, but again, I had to trust him to know his body.

“I should have called,” he said, as though he’d read my mind. “It wasn’t easy getting to the couch. Every time I tried to stand, I went down again. It was so damned frustrating.”

Which meant that he pushed himself even harder. Aiden didn’t like anyone to think he was weak. He would do whatever he had to in order to show he was strong and capable. I loved him for that, even while I longed to take care of him. Still, I knew I couldn’t, and had done my best to make peace with it.

“Where will you be buried?” he blurted out.

The shift in conversation threw me. “What?”

He sat up and peered into my eyes. “When you die, where will you be buried?”

I smiled at him. “I don’t plan on dying for a while.”

“No, I know.” He gestured toward his tablet, which sat on the side table. “While I was sitting here, I was watching some TikTok videos, and came across one that broke my heart. Makaleigh Colleen did a song about a husband and wife who planned to be buried next to each other, and how, after she died, the man remarried, and planned to be buried beside his new wife, and how the first wife was alone and lonely.”

“And you cried?”

“Buckets,” he assured me. “Then I thought about us. Where do you plan on being buried?”

“Well, you know that Brian was cremated, and I buried his ashes, right?”

“Yeah, but you still have a place for him. We put flowers on it last year.”

And we had. Aiden wasn’t wrong. It was planned that I would be buried next to Brian. To be honest, I’d never even considered being away from either of my men.

“We had plots next to each other,” I admitted. “I was supposed to be buried next to him.”

“Then you should do that,” Aiden said, his tone strong. “I don’t want to think of Brian being alone and waiting for you.”

We’d sworn to each other that we would wait if one of us went first. I could see how that song would affect Aiden, because even though I hadn’t seen it, now I felt like crying.

“I won’t leave you alone either,” I said adamantly.

“I’ll have Olivia.”

“And if she marries Blake?”

His lips curled downward. “Oh.”

“Let me ask you a question. There is no right or wrong answer here, so don’t think there is, okay?”

“Sure,” he replied, his tone a little loopy. His pills made him sleepy, and I knew he’d be out soon.

“How about if we—you, me, and Brian—all share? You can be buried on my left, Brian on my right.”

A sloppy grin and eyes fluttering shut. “I like that,” he said, his voice filled with sleep. “If it wasn’t for Brian, I wouldn’t be here now. I think… no, I know, I’d like to spend eternity with the man who gave me such happiness.”

I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. “Then it’s settled. I’ll handle everything tomorrow. Now close your eyes. Do you want me to carry you to the bedroom?”

He shook his head, which was already lolling. “Can’t. Livvy is coming and…and…” His head dropped, and he was out. I went to the bedroom and grabbed a comforter, then came back and helped Aiden to lay down, then covered him up. I went to the kitchen and took the perfectly golden brown lasagna out of the oven and placed it aside to cool, then called Olivia.

“Let me guess. Bad day?”

“Yeah. He needed two pills.”

“I told him I could pick dinner up. He insisted he wanted to make it.” She sighed. “He’s always pushing himself. I get tired just watching him. Okay. Save me some lasagna, and  I’ll swing by tomorrow to check on him.”

“Let Blake know how sorry we are.”

She chuckled. “Believe me, with Aiden as a brother, I plan for these things. I’ll take Blake out for a Big Mac, and he’ll be happy.” Her voice softened. “Take care of him, okay?”

“You know I will,” I answered. “Remind me later to tell you what he asked me.”

“Okay. Good night, Tom.”

“Night, Livvy.”

I put my phone away, and returned to the living room. The pain that I’d seen on Aiden’s face earlier was gone, the tightness around his mouth smoothed out. I bent and kissed his forehead, then sat in the chair to keep an eye on him. Two pills really knocked him out, and I wanted to be there if he needed me.

God, I loved him so.


If you want to see the video that inspired the story:

The Return: Chapter Thirteen

The Return: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

The two of us laid there, touching, kissing, stroking. Jonas’s cum was leaking from my ass, and when I said I was going to clean up, he pinned me down, telling me that he liked it, and I should leave it. Any protest was cut off when he jammed his tongue into my mouth and got me hard again. This time when he pushed back into me, it was slow, languid. He spent the entire time staring into my eyes, and I could see the love in them.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and I knew a true contentment. I had been searching for something most of my life, and now? I found it. My home was Jonas. I didn’t even care if we had to move to the pack house anymore, as long as I was with him.

“Core,” he murmured. “Love you so fucking much. I never thought it could be like this.”

Then he was snoring again. A light, airy buzz that made me smile.

The house door opened, then closed. I could hear Matt and Kinsey as they made their way through the living room.

“….loved the explosions,” Kinsey said, actually sounding excited. “They don’t usually get them right, but these were amazing.”

“When the two men kissed, I was shocked. I didn’t realize the woman wasn’t going to be the love interest. That threw me for a loop.”

“Plus the sex scene was hot.”

“Yeah,” came the shy reply. “Kinsey, I—”

Whatever Matt was saying was cut off by a soft moan. I got up, put my pants on, then crept to the door. When I opened it, my jaw dropped. Kinsey had Matt’s wrists held in his hand and pinned above him to the wall as he kissed Matt breathless. When he pulled back, Matt’s eyes were wide.

“Why did you do that?” he asked.

The Return: Chapter Twelve

The Return: Chapter Twelve

Someone asked why I’m posting a book that’s for sale. The simple answer is, this version is unedited. The version that’s up at Amazon/Kindle Unlimited has been through edits. So if you like the story, please feel free to hit up KU to get it. 🙂

Chapter Twelve

I won’t lie and say the Council’s visit was smooth after Corey’s stunt. Yawen was pissy, probably because Corey forced them to step back and look at how they were running things. My dad always said we should respect the Council, but that they were behind the times, and he looked forward to the younger generation when the time came for the elders to step down.

So they could be as grumpy as they wanted, I didn’t care. Corey’d done it. He stood up for our pack, and got us two new members. It was agreed with the Council that Matt and Kinsey would continue in their roles and Corey’s chauffeur and bodyguard, but that payment would be handled by our pack now. Matt was tripping on air, a huge smile on his face. Kinsey was…well, Kinsey.

After the Council left, my mate and new pack members sat in the coffeeshop and chatted, while I went back to my office to get some work done. I didn’t want to leave Corey alone, but he shoved me out the door and reminded me I needed to get moving if I wanted a special surprise that night.

I never worked harder.

When I got home, the lights were down low, there was a bottle of wine on the table, and two taper candles in silver holders standing in the center.

“What’s this?”

Corey swooped in and gave me a gentle kiss. “This is our first date. I wanted something special for tonight.”

“It’s beautiful,” I told him. “Where are your new boys?”

“I threw some money at them and said they needed to get the fuck out.” He grinned. “I told them to go out and get a pizza, and afterward go to a movie. A long one. Matt was excited, but I’m pretty sure from Kinsey’s raised brows he knew what was happening.”

The Return: Chapter Eleven

The Return: Chapter Eleven

Corey had his routine down pat. When we got in, he had the three of us sit at the counter, while he went in the back. The sounds of cooler doors opening and closing, then baking tins sliding into the oven was the first thing I heard.

“Core? You need help?”

“I’m good. I’ve been doing this every day for years.”

That was all well and fine, but I wasn’t about to let my mate work his fingers to nubs while I sat on my ass. I got up from my seat, then ensured the sugar caddies, salt and pepper shakers, and condiment station were all full. Then I did the same for the dish ware.

“What can I do?” Matt asked me.

“Matt wants to help,” I called out. “Do you have something he can do?”

The door opened and Corey stepped out. I could see traces of flour and shiny spots, probably from the nonstick spray we used in the pans, on an apron he’d donned. He smiled at Matt.

“Which do you prefer? Hot chocolate or tea?”

“I can have coffee.”