I Have You By Grein Murray

I Have You By Grein Murray

I Have You E-Book Cover

Author Name: Grein Murray

Book Name: I Have You

Series: Spinoff from the ‘Joshua’ series

Release Date: November 2, 2015


Kyle and Christopher’s world is about to change. The couple have hidden their relationship to keep Kyle safe from his strict parents, but eventually they find out. Both Kyle and Christopher don’t want to give up the other, it’s just not an option. Kyle is ready for a new start when faced with having to break up with Christopher. Christopher comes up with a plan, but the catch is that they have to leave everything behind. The job Christopher has lined up for them may be crossing the line with Kyle. Will they both do whatever it takes to stay together?

Pages or Words: 101 pages

Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance


“Do you ever think about leaving everything behind and just starting a new life? I do all the time, but I’d want you with me.” Kyle had a fierce look in his eyes. “I’m just so tired of hiding my feelings for you and who I am. I have this gorgeous boyfriend, but I have to pretend we’re just friends and I hate it.”

“When we go to college it will be different, Kyle.” Christopher rubbed Kyle’s shoulder, but he shrugged it off.

“No, it won’t. Don’t you understand? If someone that knows my family sees us and tells my parents they will make our lives miserable. We have to be careful, Christopher.” Kyle sat back in the seat, tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.


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Meet the author:

When I’m not writing I like going to concerts. Music is a big part of my life, I’ve played bass guitar since I was a teen. I love nature and enjoy hiking and working with causes that help protect our planet and wild animals.

I have loved books all of my life and have always enjoyed escaping the ordinary world by getting lost in a good book. I read a lot of different genres of books but have fallen in love with MM. I support the gay community and hope one day people will see that love is love and that it is a beautiful thing no matter your gender, race or religion. Joshua and his story have been in my head for years but I never took the time to write it.

With encouragement from some fellow authors and friends I took the leap and now all of you can get to know my characters and I hope you love them as much as I do.

Where to find the author:

My FB author page is https://www.facebook.com/Grein-Murray-959815800704931/timeline/

My FB regular page is https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009477305727

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27418745-i-have-you?ac=1

Publisher: Grein Murray

Cover Artist: Kellie Dennis

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, KathyMac Reviews, The Hat Party, Bayou Book Junkie, Jessie G. Books, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Happily Ever Chapter, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Havan Fellows, Velvet Panic, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Divine Magazine, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Inked Rainbow Reads, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Alpha Book Club, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Butterfly-O-Meter, Charley Descoteaux




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