Kris Jacen of MLR Press picked one of my stories to be part of the Mixed Tape collection. I’m deeply honored to be in the same anthology as Sara York, T.A. Chase, Embry Carlysle, Silvia Violet, D.H. Starr, Jambrea Jo Jones, Karenna Colcroft, Pelaam, CR Guiliano, Cherie Noel, Z. Allora, and so many other talented people.

The cover of 500 Miles by Parker Williams
500 Miles
Since he was fourteen, Mark knew he loved Jase, his brother Eric’s best friend. As Jase and Eric leave for the Army, Jase leaves Mark something to hold onto, but when the two men are shipped to Kuwait, things change when Jase tells Mark he’s met someone. Confused and hurt, Mark is left to wonder what happened. Eric returns, but with devastating news – and needing Mark’s help. Can Mark help the man who broke his heart? Or will he let Jase push him away – for the second time?
I was inspired by these pictures, used to create Mark, Jase, and Eric.