The members of Collars & Cuffs tell ‘Secrets’! (Part one)

The members of Collars & Cuffs tell ‘Secrets’! (Part one)


Secrets: Part One of two

In honor of the new KC Wells & Parker Williams series, Secrets, we’ve decided to ask the members of Collars & Cuffs to share theirs with us!

Leo: Share my secret? If I do that, it’s not really a secret anymore, is it? But I’m game. Though Thomas denies it, I get the feeling that he had something to do with my meeting Alex. He always seemed smug about it, almost to the point of gloating. But if I’m honest, I don’t care. If he did have something to do with it, I owe him a debt I can never repay. He gave me a new life, one that has made me happier than I ever thought possible.

Alex: Wow, this is a tough question. Oh, wait. I know. My brother, Rob? It’s taken me a while to figure it out, but I honestly believe he’s jealous of my relationship with Leo. And not just because we’re together. He’s seen the change in me since Leo’s become my Dom, and I think he finds himself wondering what it would be like. I don’t know that he’s gay, but he’s a little too nosy for it to be simple curiosity. And I hope he finds out one day, because if I’m honest, he needs a damn good spanking.

Thomas: I don’t think this is going to end well, but I’ll tell you anyway. I rarely thought about dying. At my age, I stayed busy, ate well, rarely drank, and got occasional exercise. Then Peter came into my life, and I realized I was no longer living just for me, but for my boy as well. I’ve started walking more. I’ve discovered more ways to stay healthy, and I’m embracing them. Because I don’t want Peter to be alone.

Peter: I’m not sure if this is really a secret. I think most people already know, but they don’t really talk about it. When I was with Curtis, there were many times that I wished I could figure out a way to kill myself. I think that’s part of why he kept me locked naked in a cage, because if I had been able to get my hands on a towel or a sheet, I would have done it without hesitation. I didn’t see any other way out. I wanted to end the pain and humiliation any way I could. Now I’m glad I didn’t, because I am very happy with my life.

Ben: Hell, I’m an open book. I’ve got nothing to hide. I’m an idiot. I can’t deny that. Sending Scott away was the biggest, stupidest mistake I’ve ever made. You know how you look at a decision, and you realize that if you could just go back and change it, your life would be perfect? I’d give almost anything to do that. I cried more than once after he left. Coming back to the empty flat, remembering the promises I’d made him, the love that I saw in his eyes? Yeah. I was so stupid. It was only by Scott’s good graces that I was granted the chance to become the Dom—the man—he deserves.

Scott: Here’s one for you… I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten that letter from Jeff. Or if I had done what my father said and gone to the dance with Sarah. Would I be married now? Have kids? Be stuck with someone I could never love, just for the sake of my father? I think I would hate myself, because I don’t want to hurt anybody, and living a lie would do that. I wish Sarah nothing but the best. I’ve thought about contacting her on Facebook. I saw she had a little girl now, and the thought made me ache a little inside, because I know I’ve got the love to give a child. Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll have the chance to show it.

Gareth: Hm. Something I wouldn’t tell anyone else? Okay. My favorite thing to do with Andrew is when he does demonstrations at the club. I mean we play at home, and I love those times, but when we’re in front of an audience, he becomes almost a different person. He’s bold, animated, and seems more willing to try something different. I love being the center of his attention, watching as the audience falls under his spell, and knowing that I’m helping with that. Plus, when he touches me during those times, they’re more urgent, because he needs me to give him a certain sound, to evoke an emotion. Those are the times when I’m happiest.

Andrew: If this was for anyone other than K.C. Wells, I wouldn’t do it, but I owe her for telling my story. I love doing the demonstrations with Gareth. The way he gives himself over to me makes my heart sing. But there’s also a little part of me that never wants to do another one. Doesn’t like the idea of someone looking at him with lustful thoughts. Then comes the fantasy of keeping him tied to my bed all the time. Never letting anyone else even look at him. But then I see the love in his eyes. The trust he gives me. And I know how foolish I’m being, because I’m the only person who will ever get that from him.

The rest of the Secrets can be found at:  Two Chicks Obsessed

by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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