What an incredible journey!


If you had told me a month ago that I would be rushing to Amazon to check the rating of 500 Miles, I would have laughed and asked, “Why? How far down do the ratings actually go?”

Yet here I was, for a few days straight, having friends like Kc Wells and Becky Condit checking the ratings almost every hour. When I woke up yesterday and got the text (and voicemail) from Mrs. Condit telling me I *HAD* to wake up, and I *HAD* to check my ratings, I was dead to the world. Fortunately, my friends took care of me and gave me screen shots.

For most of the day on Saturday, 6/15/13, 500 Miles vacillated between #2 and #3. This was HUGE for me. I would never have dreamed it was possible that I could have a book anywhere near the top of Amazon, let alone in the second position.

So here I sit, a big grin on my face, because people actually enjoyed my story. They fell in love with Mark, Eric, and Jase (even if, as Piper Vaughn and Kris Jacen said, they wanted to slap someone) and that just tickles me to death.

So thank you to all the wonderful folks who let my boys into their heart. I want you to know how much this has meant to me, and how this journey has given me more confidence.

You all rock SO hard and I’m grateful to each of you.



by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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